Today is the second national Poem In Your Pocket Day!
The idea is simple: select a poem you love then carry it with you to share with co-workers, family, and friends
To prepare for our soon-to-come summer in the desert, here’s a tanka-style exercise I recently penned and will carry in my pocket for the day:
A humming desert
Lifts its skirt of sand to kneel;
Its prayers scorch the eye.
Rabbits run from grazing hawks,
Scorpions waltz in the moon.
Morning comes early.
Midday wears its beggar’s coat,
A dirt rag of sky.
Summer’s so close I can feel
It’s breath going up my shirt.
My skin is a heat;
Air thermals rise in the throat.
Orange blossoms dangle
Hope, yet midnight I’m shaking
Those scorpions out my shoe.
Auburn McCanta
Love that!
Thank you, dear! 🙂