Here’s Why I’m Busy Right Now …

OffTheBus Election Correspondents Masthead

OffTheBus (OTB) is a citizen-powered and -produced presidential campaign news site sponsored by the Huffington Post and New York University’s NewAssignment.Net. OffTheBus is the result of the efforts of a nationwide network of more than 12,000 contributors (Full Project Masthead). Our Election Correspondents are among our most committed members. Between now and Nov 4, 2008 they will filing on-the-ground reports from their homestates.


Nathaniel Bach

Carol Anne Burger

PJ Burns

Mike Caulfield

Natasha Chen

Andrea King Collier

Beverly Davis

Denise Dennis

Jennifer Donahue

Mayhill Fowler

John Hood

Susan Kelley-Stamerra

Chuck Lasker

Ron Levitt

Brad Listi

Auburn McCanta

Kelly Nuxoll

Marlene H. Phillips

Daniel Riggs

Ryan Rivera

James Sanders

Dawn Teo

Dan Treul

Diane Tucker

Shawna Vercher

Christine Wicker

If you scroll down the list of folks above, you’ll find my little name — Auburn McCanta.  I’m a Correspondent! It’s more than an honor to be selected for this prestigious spot.  During the next three weeks, my posts may be spotty.  Just know I’m doing what we’re all meant to be doing — WRITING FOR OTHERS!!!

Thanks for your patience and I’ll be back soon to my regular place, twittering away here at our fun little Bloggybirdery.  In the meantime, I’ll try to keep you posted here and there with news and such.

Wilson’s getting a haircut tomorrow and I’m having a leg check … so I’m sure we’ll have something to say about those events.  Stay tuned!

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